My life's reflection through the Book of Nehemiah: INSPECTION OF THE DAMAGE

Song of Songs 2:14-16 (TPT)
You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship. For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I’ve planted within you. Will you catch them and remove them for me? We will do it together.

Again you might ask:  What do foxes have to do with Nehemiah?

You see, Nehemiah came to Jerusalem and was there for 3 days.  Then one night, without telling anyone what God had put in his heart to do at Jerusalem, he went with few men and inspected the damage done to the wall.  He went via the Valley Gate, through the Dragon Well / Serpent's well which was before the dung port and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down. (Neh 3:11-15)

Why would he do that?  In order to inspect the severity of the damage and where to start rebuilding. 

You will learn in the following blogposts which gates were rebuilt and their significance, but what was interesting to me is where he actually inspected. 

Why at the Dragon Well / Serpent's well?

Remember I said that the whole wall rebuilding is a physical manifestation of our spiritual conditions.....

Dragon / Serpent - ring any bells????

Rev 12:9
"And the great dragon was thrown down, the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan, he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him."

And what I found the Holy Spirit saying is: 
Before any wall could be rebuilt, the lies from Satan needs to be 'inspected'.  Where in my life did I believe something that wasn't true?  What is standing between me and truly living a victorious life?

There are many instances I can give, but the one that jumps to mind, is the lie of not being loved by God.....

I believed for MANY years that I am not loved by God and could not in return truly experience His love for me (not even talking about other people's love for me).  It was only when the Spirit revealed to me the vastness of God's love and what He thinks of me, that I could truly accept His love and start basking in His love for me....

So, what are the small foxes that destroy the vineyard?  What lies destroy my relationships - both with God and with men?

In order to successfully start rebuilding the walls of 'cities', we need to realise what lies have entered into our minds and have erected strongholds?  What lies do I believe of God's character?  What lies do I believe of myself?  What lies do I believe of other people? 

No matter how hard and how painful the inspection might be, the freedom from lies and have it replaced with truth, are more rewarding than living under the shadow of lies...

So then the consolation of the Word comes

"We will do it together." (Song of Songs 2:16)
Do it together with God, the Almighty, All-knowing, All-sufficient Father Who loves you with an everlasting love and He sees everyhing that's hidden (Ps 69:5).  And therefore He alone knows where to start.....


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