My life's reflection through the Book of Nehemiah: GATES - THE OLD GATE Part 3 (FORGIVENESS)

Forgiveness is an act of the will more than an act of the heart.
- Dr Charles Stanley 
And as I stand at the beginning of a new year, 2019, I have to make a choice:
If I long to receive ALL God has planned for me, I HAVE to forgive and let Him deal with it - it truly is an act of the will....
Because God sees the whole picture.  He knows the hearts of every party involved and He wants each party to know what TRUE freedom is.  
He is the only fair Judge in the whole wide world and beyond.
He sees both sides..... I only see my side.....
My dear friend, God's heart is for each and every one of us to be free....
To be free from past hurt; past regrets; past anger!!!
Forgiving isn't approving how they wronged you,
Rather it's no longer allowing their wrong to define you.
- Rachel Wolchinn
You have probably heard the expression:  "If your enemy is hungry, feed him ... for by doing so you will heap burning coals upon his head."
I've never truly understood this expression (which is Biblical), until Holy Spirit unfolded it for me:
In the old Levitical era, the high priest of the time would take the coals from the sin offering and pour incense on the hot coals and that would be like sweet smelling aroma in God's presence.
And then it dawned on...
When I offer my prayers of forgiveness and are kind towards my enemies, it is like sweet smelling fragrance in Father's nose and according to the Word, I can then also be forgiven with all the benefits of such act....
If I refuse to forgive, the case CANNOT be settled and in return I CANNOT be forgiven.
For "you will be judged by the same standard with which you judge others, and you will be measured by the same measure you use."  (Matthew 7:2 CSB)
And I realised, I was and currently is a human being who, for the rest of my life will probably offend or worst, scar someone.  And I would also want God's forgiveness.
So if I want them to receive the worst punishment, that's exactly what I will get in return!!!! (Makes you think, doesn't it)...... 
Therefore, I would rather let my forgiveness be like sweet aroma to God and the people around me, than be a rotting corpse who reaks of hatred and revenge and are bound by unforgiveness....
Starting today, I need to forget what's gone. 
Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.
- Unknown
So, for 2019, I want to challenge you my dear friend:
Have a trust in God's ability that goes beyond your own feelings and believing that He knows what He's doing!!!


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