My life's reflection through the Book of Nehemiah: GATES - DUNG GATE AND FOUNTAIN GATE
I feel it necessary this time to do two gates simultaneously and the reason for this is the fact that once you've gotten rid of the "Dung" in your life, the necessary, crucial, natural outflow will be that a "fountain" will well up inside of you and everyone who meets you will be pleasantly surprised.
What do I mean by this?
You see, it is normal for bad things to surface once you've been in the Valley - especially if you don't test your attitude in the process. A valley is supposed to teach each one of us something and I believe that God allows valley experiences to shape us and mold us more into His image.
But on the contrary, if the valley period is too long, one tends to become bitter and a zest-pool of 'crap' and you start to believe that God has forsaken you and He does not love you.
Well, I am actually currently in a valley and have been there for a VERY long time. And it started to seem like God had forsaken me and that He had forgotten about me. And then I started to question life and God's goodness and whether He actually cared and whether He had a warped sense of humor.... (well, I don't know if I am the only one or whether there is someone out there who might relate?)
Then I realised that if I wanted to be useful at ALL in society as well as in the Kingdom, I had to check the attitude of my heart and that's where the Dung Gate comes in:
It was outside of the Dung Gate that all the 'crap' were burned because if they kept it inside the city, the whole city would reek of bad and foul smelling things and it would attract flies and all kinds of nastiness.
So, I therefore HAD to do some soul searching and realise that unless I get rid of the rotten, bad-smelling things that came out of my mouth and my whole attitude, I would be useless to everyone around me, not to mention God.
Unless I get rid of the bad thoughts and feelings that are in my heart and mind, I would not be able to move onto the next gate, which is the Fountain Gate.
Because, you cannot have wonderful, refreshing, sweet tasting water coming out of a sewerage....
So, what is my next logical step?
How do I change from a bad smelling, unpleasant person to a refreshing, bubbly me again?
He IS for me;
He IS love;
He IS unchanging;
He IS truth;
He IS my joy;
He IS the answer;
He IS above all things;
He IS all-seeing;
He IS an amazing Father whose heart AND mind has not changed about me.
.But the problem lies with me: I have allowed satan to feed me 'crap' and I ate it like a piece of cake...... Satan lies, steals, kills and destroys and I believed EVERY word that came out of his mouth and I took my eye off the ball (Jesus) for a moment and satan took me for a ride!!!! I actually got into the car with satan and drove across the country with him as my guide and I did not at one point say
"Stop the car - I've entertained you long enough."
I then realised that the ONLY way to start changing my way of seeing things, is to:
1. Get out of the 'car' that entertained Satan's lies and my own toxic thoughts.
2. Re-allign myself with God and with His Word and what His Word says (no matter my personal thoughts and feelings)
3. Find my joy IN the Lord by reading out loud the Word (Psalms is a good place to start)
Rom 10:17 "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God"
4. No matter how hard it is, remind myself every day that God is true to His Word and He has not forsaken me.
5. Put on a Worship song and let the words of the song set root in my heart and in the spirit declare that God is in control of my circumstances
Heb 2:18 (AMPC)"For because He (Jesus) Himself in His humanity has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able (immediately) to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted and tested and tried (and who therefore are being exposed to suffering).
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