My life's reflection through the Book of Nehemiah: GATES - THE SHEEP GATE


Psalm 100:3 (AMPC)
"Know (perceive, recognize, and understand with approval) that the Lord is God!  It is He Who has made us, not we ourselves (and we are His)!  We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." 

When Nehemiah spoke to the people, Eliashib the high priest rose up with his brothers and they started building the Sheep Gate (Neh 2:17-18; 3:1).
It is amazing to see from this that they had their priorities straight.  Oh how I wish all people could get it straight....
They started with the most crucial starting point "Jesus".  Why do I say that?
Jesus called Himself the "Good Shepherd" in John 10.  He said that He is the gate and He is the way and no-one goes to the Father, except through Him. (John 14:6) 
Why is it then that we tend to start with everything else, but Jesus?  Why is it that we try and fix our problems by ourselves and don't even consider that we might be going about it the wrong way?
Because we're stubborn.  We're hard-headed and we think that we can do life on our own.  But let's be honest:  if we were THAT clever, our lives would have been in perfect order.
But why do you think Jesus referred to Himself as a Shepherd and to us as sheep?  To the more sceptical, you probably think its because He thinks we are stupid (I mean, have you ever looked at sheep walking - they just follow the one in front).  To that I would answer, 'True, but have you ever seen them follow someone they don't know?'  NO, they don't.  They are clever enough to distinguish between the voice of their master and the voice of a stranger.  They know exactly when the shepherd is calling.  Also, they have an intuitive knowing that the shepherd knows what he's doing.  They trust him completely.  They know that they can graze peacefully and whatever attack comes, they are safe.  They know that he will lead them to a place where there is enough water and food.  They just KNOW.
So, who's the more stupid between humans and sheep?  I would argue:  HUMANS.  Because, do you truly trust the Shepherd?  Do you truly follow His voice?  Do you truly have a knowing that He will provide?
Well, to the non-hypocrite, I would admit that I am the more stupid one.  I am constantly faced with fears of the future.  At present we have to find a new home and I am fearful every day that God doesn't know what He's doing so I get up every morning worrying, searching Property 24 like a mad person for the best place.  Instead of resting in my Shepherd's care that when He says that even though I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I will have to fear nothing for His rod (for protection) and His staff (for guidance) will comfort and console me.  I am fearful instead of trusting that He will lead me beside still and quiet waters and He will refresh and restore my soul.(Psalm 23 AMP)
So why not start where Eliashib started:  THE SHEEP GATE
Start with Jesus.
Hebrews 12:2-3 (ERV)
"We must never stop looking to Jesus.  He is the leader of our faith, and He is the One Who makes our faith complete."
No battle can be won if we don't start and finish on our knees, in a relationship with the Good Shepherd, Who knows everything, Who knows us and our situations inside and out and Whose voice we need to recognise.
So, my dear friend, let us strengthen our hands in building the first gate of our new walls.  Spend time with Him and find your worth in Him.  Find out His heart for you in your circumstances (no matter how big or small it might seem).  Get your ear fine-tuned to His voice and get to know His heartbeat.  He is waiting for you......

Eph 2:9-13 (MSG)
"Now God has us where He wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus.  Saving is all His idea, and all His work.  All we do is trust Him enough to let Him do it.  It's God's gift from start to finish!  We don't play the major role....... God does both the making and the saving.  He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do..."


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