MERRY CHRISTMAS: The True Reason For Christmas


What is the reason for Christmas?
Is it because of a funny looking fat man bringing presents or trees or family? 
Sure, most of the world think that is the reason, but for the Christian world this is a much more joyous occassion. 
Because the Creator of heaven and earth chose in His love to send His Son as the Messiah and this day marks the salvation, love affirmation and redemption of a dark and lost world.
Luke 1: 67-79 
Now Zachariah ... was filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying,
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has come and brought deliverance and redemption of His people!
And He has raised up a Horn of salvation (a mighty and valiant Helper, the Author of salvation) for us.....
That we should have deliverance and be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who detest and pursue us with hatred;
To make true and show the mercy and compassion and kindness promised to our forefathers and to remember and carry out His holy covenant...sealed by oath to ... Abraham:
To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our foes, might serve Him fearlessly in holiness and righteousness....
To bring and give the knowledge of salvation of His people in the forgiveness and remission of their sins.
Because of and through the heart of tender mercy and loving-kindness of our God, a Light from on high...
To shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
To direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace."
You see, God chose in His love to create the earth and He dwelt with Adam and Eve in the Garden and they had fellowship, but because of disobedience, that relationship was severed. 
Then through God's mercy, He chose a man who followed His heart and obeyed Him - Abraham, and his decendants to dwell with them.  But still His dwelling on earth was limited to an ark and an extreme amount of rituals.  And then only one person, the high priest, could come into His presence once a year. 
Then He promised to them that He will send them someone, through the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 9:1-7), to rid them from the law and restore the relationship and so much more. 
And its because of THIS very reason AND the fact that He included us, non-Jews, into the covenant that we are so unbelievable grateful for today. Not because of presents or a tree, but because of Jesus Who said "I am willing to become human to be the ultimate sacrifice for these humans who cannot do it on their own".

Let us rejoice today because it truly is a joyous day!!!!



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